
Take a look around!

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“Design can be art. Design can be aesthetics. Design is so simple, that’s why it’s so complicated.”

- Paul Rand

My Background


I’m a Graphic Design student pursuing my BFA at the University of Georgia. A do-er, a dreamer, and a design junkie, I gravitate towards anything creative. While pursuing my degree, I’m also pursuing knowledge gained through experience, practice, and self teaching. I combine my love for media and creation in my work and hope to continue developing dynamic and innovative techniques and skills.


BFA in Graphic Design

University of Georgia


Graphic Communications Intern

UGA Office of Sustainability



Social Media Manager

Grana and White Bull

Atlanta Restaurants


Graphic Design Intern


Spring 2019

Rempe resumé 2020-05.jpg

Find a downloadable PDF version of my resume here.


An Atlanta, GA native and an avid traveler, I am always searching for beauty and innovation wherever I am.

Let’s get in touch! I’m open to new experiences, work proposals and collabs!