UGA Office of Sustainability

I am an intern for an amazing office on my campus. As the graphic communications intern, I work to create graphic content that informs the campus community about initiatives and events from the office. I create social graphics and event posters and more. Sustainability is something I’m extremely passionate about and to be able to work closely with other like minded interns is a special opportunity. Most of this work is branded according to the UGA branding guidelines, and I take no ownership of any logos or brand identity.

UGA Pollinator Count Guidelines and Directory Re-design

One of the initiatives that our office promotes is the annual Pollinator Count. We encourage students to take part by counting pollinators, like bees and butterflies all over campus.

I redesigned and built out a comprehensive guide to inform students on how to properly count and identify insects.

pollinator cover.png
pollinator mockup.png

Instagram Series

I frequently create Instagram slide carousels for the @sustainableuga page, where myself and the Communications team work together to post informative posts and weekly happenings. For more, check out the ‘Social Media’ tab of this website.

Front page design of a brochure promoting the Campus Arboretum

Front page design of a brochure promoting the Campus Arboretum

Back page design for Campus Arboretum Brochure

Back page design for Campus Arboretum Brochure

Green Goes Green Sticker prototype 1

Green Goes Green Sticker prototype 1

Greek Goes Green Sticker prototype 2

Greek Goes Green Sticker prototype 2

UGA Recycling Bins Signage

These are branded signs to be posted above recycling bins in the UGA Fine Arts Building. The signs are meant to appeal to Theater students with relatable slogans and represent a call to action.

Clean up your act mockup.png
play the hero.png

Logotype variations mockups for the UGA Earth Day Challenge 2020

Napkin Dispenser Inserts2020 marks the 50th anniversary of Earth Day. To celebrate, there are events and lectures happening all over campus to get students involved. I designed an insert that was put in every napkin holder in all of the UGA dining h…

Napkin Dispenser Inserts

2020 marks the 50th anniversary of Earth Day. To celebrate, there are events and lectures happening all over campus to get students involved. I designed an insert that was put in every napkin holder in all of the UGA dining halls to give students dates and information about all of the sponsored events. I will update these monthly when new events are happening.


Freelance + Fun